This is a switching layout. Trains consist of 1 or 2 locos and 5 - 7 cars (passing sidings are short). Beside the siding length others factors of the number of cars per train are the number of axels of the locomotives along with the physical weight of the model loco and the tight curves.
Operating as an out and back (primary operating type) SEE A workday on the GD&R
Leaving the yard, Turn (train) 1 will take the right leg leaving the yard and make 2 complete laps around the loop before entering the Brunk Industrial District and working customers 1 - 3 & the Team Track.

Turn 2 will take the left leg of the wye when leaving the yard and make 2 complete loops before working Customer 8. When finished with Customer 8 the train will make another complete loop and work Customer 6. When finished there will make one more loop and work customers 5 and 7. After running around the train, will make 4 complete loops before entering the yard.

Turn 3 will take the right leg leaving the yard. At GR Junction within the BID the train will take the left leg (see image below). After making 2 complete loops it will service customer 4 and then head on to customer 11. After using the passing siding (located at customes 6-8 on track plan) and running the loco around the train, Turn 3 will work customer 9 The train will head back towards the yard, working customer 10. After working customer 10 the train will make 2 complete loops before entering the yard again using the interlock within the BID.

The purpose of making the laps around the layout is to provide the suggestion of distance between customers.
The Yard Crew is responsable for working the interchange