The purpose of this site is for sharing my hunting experiences

Why Old Grumpy Hunter?

  My son who is only 24 years younger than me keeps saying that I'm "Old"
  My wife of almost a half century keeps calling me "Grumpy"
  I attempt to "Hunt"

Wild Hog shot 08/17/19 in Tioga, PA with crossbow

I started hunting in 1963 going after squirrels with a 410 and 22 rifle, which I still have.

Today I hunt

  • Whitetail (with rifle and crossbow),
  • Turkeys (shotgun and crossbow),
  • Feral Hogs (with crossbow and rifle).

The deer and turkey are hunted in Kentucky on my small farm and the feral hogs are hunted in Alabama, Texas and Pennsylvania.

I have a mechanical and scientific background.